日期:2023-05-12 18:06:19 来源:ourjiangsu.com
East China’s Jiangsu province has made every effort to strengthen the protection over endangered animals. Let’s take a close look.
Ms. Li, a citizen of Qidong, rescued a small bird in front of her house. The bird has a crown of feathers on its head, a slender mouth, and black and white wings that are slightly open, making it incredibly beautiful.
Ms. Li searched online and found that this little bird is called hoopoe, a rare bird placed under second-level national protection. She wasted no time to visit the wildlife rescue center where she handed the bird over to the center.
“I examined this bird and found that its right wing was fractured, and the bone had already necrotized. So we cut off its right wing. It"s a bit refreshed now,” said Xu Huajun, Staff Member of Qidong Wildlife Rescue Center.
Villagers in Ganyu District, Lianyungang happened to find an injured bird while working in the farm fields. The forestry department has confirmed that this bird is white headed Chinesebulbul, a rare national bird.
“The white-headed Chinesebulbulrescued by the villagers is now relatively healthy, indicating that the rescue has been successful. We will continue to observe and if there are no other problems, we will release it to nature,” said Fan Jibin, staff Member of the Natural Resources Dynamic Supervision Center in Ganyu District, Lianyungang.
The Shanghu Police Station in Changshu received a call from Ms. Sun who claimed to have found an unknown baby bird in her vegetable plot. This baby bird, the size of a palm, has a sharp bill, claws, and round eyes, with a fierce and cute appearance. The police sent the baby bird to Yushan Zoo.
“Experts have confirmed that this is a young red falcon bird, a rare bird placed on the list of national second level protection. This young red falcon bird is now being cared at Yushan Zoo, and staff will release it to nature when the time is ripe,” said Gao Xiang, Police Officer from Shanghu Police Station in Changshu.
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Jiangsu strengthens protection over endangered animals
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